- Depart on Renforth Dr (North) 0.7 km
- Turn RIGHT (South) onto Carlingview Dr 0.9 km
- Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto HWY-401 3.8 km
- Keep RIGHT onto HWY-401 3.2 km
- At exit 359, keep RIGHT onto Ramp 0.4 km
- Take Ramp (LEFT) onto HWY-400
- Keep LEFT onto HWY-11
- Turn RIGHT (East) onto Ramp, then
- Turn RIGHT (South) onto Goldstein Rd
0.2 km
- Bear RIGHT (South) onto Local road(s)
0.0 km
- Bear RIGHT (West) onto Goldstein Rd
- Turn LEFT (North) onto S
Sparrow Lake Rd 6.9
- Turn RIGHT (East) onto Peninsula
Point Rd 0.2
Total Distance: 144.2
km (89.6 miles)
Estimated Time: 1 hour and 39 minutes
Directions South from Gravenhurst
- South on Hwy 11 23.4 km
- Bear RIGHT (North) onto S Sparrow Lake Road 7.0
- Turn RIGHT (East) onto Peninsula Point Rd 0.2
Total Distance: 32.3
km (20.1 miles)
Estimated Time: 26 minutes
Visiting by Water
You will pass buoy S256 at mile 211.5 and just
over a half mile ahead, the river will go to starboard.
The channel through the curve is marked by S254 and S253
followed quickly by S252 and S251.
As you clear the turn begin to look for day
marker S249 marking the beginning of a short section where the
channel winds its way past a few hazards, S248 and day mark
S246 mark a small island to port and then S244 and S243 set
course to avoid the small rock island to starboard.